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Todays birthday cars:
60 years old
59 years old
58 years old
57 years old

VIN 40837S112728

Car Year: 1964
Car's approximate birthday: March 6, 1964
Owner: eBay Motors
City: Brigham City
State: Utah
Country: United States
Purchase date: Undefined
Status: Current Owner
Nickname: 40837S112728
State: Project Car
Exterior: 912 Silver Blue (14.04%)
Interior: Blue (Vinyl)
Softtop: Other Color
Wheels: Other Color
Body: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  837 Base Corvette Sport Coupe (250hp) 37.36% 4,252.00
  Total   0.000002018259886%
(1 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Car history:

1964 Corvette coupe body with a VIN and trim tag and clear Utah title in my name.
I tried to see what I could do with this, but after all my work, I think it's better left
to a professional. It has been on its top some time in the past, bending the top
section of the birdcage. Somebody also cut a section out of the driver side B pillar.
The rest of the cage is square and only has surface rust (I can't see any major
rust anywhere) and could be cut up for patches or used whole. The windshield,
although bent out of square, has no rust and could be cut into sections that could
be used on another Corvette for rust repair. If you have the skill, I think this cage
could be aligned back to square, but that's just my opinion. Floors, firewall, and
rear tub appear to be in great shape. The doors are weathered and the passenger
side door upper frame is bent (matching the birdcage). They have latching mechanisms
and the door jambs seem fine.

This car, as rough as it is, has value because of the VIN. It could be a start for a
Grand Sport replica or other race car if you are looking for something with a real
VIN. That beats a replica VIN any day in my opinion. I do know it's rough, so no
need to point that out.

VIN: 40837S112728
Data Plate: G05 Style:64 837 S5168 Body
(second line)Trim:490BA 912AA Paint
Date Code: G05 (03/05/1964)
For Sale: No

Number of visits on this page by other users: 70

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